By-Laws of l’Association des loisirs de la baie Kilkenny / Kilkenny Bay Association (2011)


 The name of the club is: Association des loisirs de la baie Kilkenny / Kilkenny Bay Association.. The purpose of the club is to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship amongst its members and to provide general improvements in the Community of Kilkenny Bay. The waterfront and beach area is maintained for the exclusive use of members. The purpose is to maintain a safe environment for swimmers.


 Only persons and their families owning and/or renting property located in and around the district of Kilkenny Bay are considered eligible for membership and positions on the board of the organization. The directors reserve the right to limit the number of members based on safety laws and insurance guidelines.


 Each member of this Association will be deemed, for all purposes, to be a member in good standing until expelled, in accordance with the provisions of the by-laws. The directors reserve the right to revoke the membership of an individual or family if the conduct of said member contravenes the spirit or the letter of the by-laws governing this association; based on the vote of the majority of members present at a regular or special meeting.


 Article 1 - Each member of the Association shall pay dues, of an amount to be fixed by The Board and proposed to the Members at the Annual General Meeting, these dues are to be paid annually, no later than the Annual General Meeting. At this time (July 2011) the fee schedule is as following:

  • Family membership (includes full time students under the age of 20)   
  • Couples
  • Single (over 18 years of age)
  • Seniors( 65 & over)  Donations gladly accepted but not required

 Article 2 - Individuals or families using the beach for more than 8 days over the course of the summer are required to pay their membership.

 Article 3 - The Board of Directors may from time to time, propose new membership fees in accordance with the fiscal requirements of the Association.

 Article 4- No special assessment of any kind shall be levied upon the members of the Association, unless authorized by the vote of a majority of all its members.


 Article 1- The Board of Directors shall consist of a minimum of four (4) directors.

 Article 2- Each director shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the members by a majority of the votes cast in respect of such election. Each Director so elected shall hold office until the election of his/her successor unless he/she shall resign or his/her office become vacant by death, removal or other cause.

 Article 3- The directors of the Club shall administer the affairs of the Club in all things and make or cause to be made for the Club in its name, any kind of contract which the Club may lawfully enter into.

 Article 4- Immediately after the Annual General Meeting of the members in each year, there shall be held a meeting of such of the newly elected directors as are then present.

 Article 5- Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such place, at such time and upon such notice as the Board of Directors may determine

 Article 6- The directors may by resolution, from time to time, fix the quorum for the Annual General Meeting as well as the Meetings of Directors, but until so fixed,  8 of the voting members present, as recorded in the last year list of members,  shall constitute a quorum .

 Article 7- All by-laws and resolutions of Directors shall be enacted or adopted at duly convened Meetings.

 Article 8- Agenda of the Annual General Meetings and Board of Directors:

  1.  Notice of meeting
  2.  Minutes of previous meeting
  3.  Annual report on finances
  4.  Deferred or unfinished business
  5.  New business, yearly dues, etc.
  6.  Appointment of committees
  7.  Adjournment


 Article 1- The Executive Officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer. There may also be appointed other Directors and such other Officers as the Board of Directors may from time to time deem necessary. Such officers shall respectively perform such duties as prescribed by the Board of Directors. The same person may hold more than one office.

 Article 2- The President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer shall be chosen from among the Directors elected at the Annual General Meeting

 Article 3- The renumeration of all officers, agents and employees of the Club shall be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors.


 Article 1- The fiscal year of the Club shall end on the thirty-first day (31) day of December in each year.

 Article 2- The Directors shall maintain proper books of accounts with respect to all sums of money received and expended by the Club and all matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place, all sales and purchases by the Club and the assets and liabilities of the Club.


 Article 1- All deeds, documents, transfers, contracts, engagements, bonds, debentures, shares, stocks, notes, certificates of participation or deposits, instruments, securities and other instruments, as well as guarantees of signatures and certification of payments and other certificates required for transfer, requiring execution of the Club shall be signed by the President or Vice-President and the Secretary Treasurer or a Director.

 Article 2- All cheques, bills of exchange or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued, accepted or endorsed in the name of the Club shall be signed by such officer of officers of the Club and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.

 Article 3- All funds of the Club shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the Club in such Bank or Banks or trust Companies or with such bankers as the Board of Directors may approve.


 Article 1- The building located next to the beach, known as the club-house, remains the property of the Kilkenny Bay Association for use by its members, as defined in By-Law 2 as is the beach. This however does not give individuals the right to use the premises as they wish unless the activity is sanctioned by the Association.

 Article 2- Curfews and limitations on noise levels as well as the duration of any activity held in the clubhouse shall remain the responsibility of the Board of Directors. The Directors may by resolution, fix different schedules and/or timetables for different activities, but until so fixed, music and/or excessive noise on any regular night must not be heard beyond the parking lot after 10:30PM on any given night. Special consideration will be given on nights sanctioned by the Association as fund raisers to extend the noise regulation to 11:30 PM.


 Article 1- The Annual General Meeting of the Members of l’Associationdes loisirs de la baie  Kilkenny / Kilkenny Bay Association (2007) shall be held during the month of July in each year, within the District of Kilkenny Bay, Lake l’Achiganin the Province of Quebec, the date, time and place to be decided by the Board of Directors by means of a resolution, the said meeting to be for the purpose of receiving the Annual Report of the Directors, and the Balance Sheet, General Statement of Income and Expenditures.

 Article 2- Special Meetings of the Members may be called at any time by the President or the Vice-President, or shall be called whenever not less than one-fourth in number of the Members shall, in writing, request the same.

 Article 3- Notice specifying the place, day and hour of each Annual and of each Special Meeting shall be served by any literate person upon the Members entitled thereto by mail or electronic mail (E-Mail) at their respective addresses as they appear on the books of the Club. A notice posted in the vicinity of the clubhouse for a period of two weeks will be deemed a reasonable substitute in the case of a special meeting.

 Article 4- Eight or more persons personally present, each of whom shall be entitled to act either on their own or as a proxy for a Member shall constitute quorum for the Annual or Special Meeting of the Members. Should a quorum not be present at any meeting of the Members, those present in person and entitled to count for the purpose of forming a quorum shall have the power to adjourn the meeting.


 The Board of Directors may, from time to time, make Bi-Laws not contrary to law nor to the By-Laws of the charter of l’Association des loisirs de la baie Kilkenny / Kilkenny Bay Association (2007).


 Each membership entitles the member to a maximum of one (1) spot at the dock, in the rack or under the clubhouse. Two families sharing the same house should have separate memberships.


 Members who own smaller boats wishing to dock it at our wharf will have to dock the boat at the West wharf. Please see a director concerning any new boats so we can accommodate as many members as possible. A maximum of six (6) spots are available to be allocated on the base of seniority. The same applies to the spots on the rack and under the clubhouse.

 Members' privileges may not be used to access a boat moored in the bay adjacent to the clubhouse beach as this limits our ability to maintain a safe swimming area for our members.

Revised: July 2016

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